About The Tiny Twin Mom

Hi! I''m Natalie.

Thanks so much for reading The Tiny Twin Mom! It's my little stay-at-home mom experiment! 

A little introduction: 

I'm a first time mother of two beautiful preemie twin boys, Beau and Bennett. They were born April 13, 2016. I lovingly refer to them as B&B. They're the light of my life, and I absolutely LOVE being a mom. I'm a total rookie and I'm learning new things every day. I started this blog with the intention of sharing what I learn as I learn and just sharing stories about our real life as it happens, so if that's something that you're into, I hope that you'll follow me on this journey!

Quick facts about me:
  • I love my family more than anything in the world! 
  • My favorite color is blue. 
  • Peanut butter and honey sandwiches are my absolute favorite comfort food. 
  • I am a margarita enthusiast. Seriously, there's no better time than time spent drinking margaritas and eating queso out on the patio. 
  • I have a wonderful dog named Pickle. She's as sweet as they come. 
  • My daily uniform is Nike shorts and Birkenstocks. I'm trying to break the habit, I swear!
  • All things Harry Potter. Just all things. 
  • I never go to bed without washing my face! It's the best anti-aging method ever. 
  • My husband is my very best friend and truly my soulmate. 
  • My passion is seeing my boys laugh. Did I mention that they are my world. 
Thank you for checking out my little corner of the net! 

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