Sunday, December 18, 2016

Picture Perfect Twins: Pobody's Nerfect

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It's the last Sunday before Christmas and I had hoped that I would have blogged a lot more this month, but alas, the twin mom reality. B&B are doing some funny things with their sleeping patterns which means that my husband and I are so tired that we're just doing funny things period.

I've been baking cookies to mail out to friends and family today, and my dad is over helping out with the boys. Because of him, I'm dealing with having a lot more time on my hands than I'm typically used to while my cookies bake. So I've actually got time to blog a little!

I originally had goals of doing a Christmas picture every single day of December until Christmas, but oh my goodness, that was a lofty goal. Are you sensing a pattern with me and goals yet?

The boys weren't into it most days, and since I had an ear infection in each ear, neither was I. We have managed to get a few, and I've gotten some decent practice with my DSLR. I'm still working on getting the right focus, but it's so hard! I want sharp pictures, but I also have two quick little bugs as my subjects! So what in the world am I supposed to do with my shutter speed? I'm open to recommendations! And it's almost impossible to keep them in the same spot anymore. Heaven knows what I'm going to do when they start crawling.

I put up a little bit of wrapping paper on a wall in front of some good windows for natural light and I laid down some fur fabric I picked up at Joanne's with a coupon. I laid it over my old Snoogle pillow (AKA the most incredible invention ever) to help my new sitters stay upright and we had ourselves a pretty cute little Christmas set up!

Some days went a little better than other days. I made a big mistake when I thought it'd be cute to put them in little outfits with reindeer antlers on them. B&B were absolutely determined to grab each others' antlers.

Honestly, I love taking pictures of them, but I think that the three of us just end up really frustrated with each other after about eight minutes. It's the most exhausting thing. They're frustrated with me because I keep  hiding behind a black thing and making weird noises, and I get frustrated with them because they doing respond to any of my hilarious nosies and they refuse to look my camera in the eye. At the end of every photo session I feel like we just all sit around judging each other and we usually have to do a little tandem nursing just to pep back up. It's fun, but gosh, taxing. But also so worth it. I get this crazy warm feeling when I look back at their pictures. Even the "bad" ones. I don't delete any! And I usually spend nap time gushing over the pictures instead of doing chores like I should. 

I know for a fact that I'm being gifted a new lens for my camera for Christmas, and I'm so looking forward to using it. I think that I've just about talked the giver into letting me have it early! They're all about looking at pictures of B&B too, so I didn't exactly have to try to hard when making my arguments. 

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