Thursday, July 21, 2016

All week long I had been tired and cranky. I was due to start my period on October 2nd. It's like clockwork.

I woke up on October 3rd feeling groggy and kind of cheesed off at nothing in particular.

I was on the couch when I decided that I should go get donuts...I was all like "You deserve the donuts; you're PMS-ing..."

But then I was like ".....wait."

We had only just decided to start trying; I had only been off the pill a month. I wasn't even ready! Brian had talked me into it! He had been wanting a baby since last Christmas when he held one of his best friend's newborn. I wasn't even sure I was mom material! I'M NOT MOM MATERIAL OH MY GOSH.

The positive sign showed up as clear as day and so quickly, and I had a million feelings hit me all at once. Pickle and I were skipping in circles (she probably still doesn't understand why lol).

I was like "who do I call??? How do I call??? DO YOU TELL SOMEONE THAT OVER A CALL???Brian had just left for work! Should I put on makeup??? Should I just go in my pajamas??? WHAT DO I DO???"

So I called my mom. We freaked out and screamed together. Pickle and I were still skipping around.

I slapped on some makeup and a dress and checked out my bump.

It looks rounder, right? Should I start cradling it with my hand already? Is it too soon? Definitely not too soon. Just start touching it a lot. Let people know you aren't just bloated now. Am I glowing or sweating? Definitely glowing.  Or maybe it hot in here???

I bought a tiny pair of shoes and put them in a box wrapped in red. I put the positive test in a ziplock bag underneath, just in case Brian thought I was joking.

I walked into his work with the box and asked to see him in private. He thought I had brought him a cupcake.

I'll never ever forget his face as he registered what the tiny shoes meant. His smile was incredible. He picked me up and swung me around and we hugged and laughed and kissed and jumped around. It's one of my favorite memories of all time.

He asked if I was kidding (as predicted!) and I proudly pulled out my positive test. It was awesome.

In that moment, together, we became parents. At that point, it was the happiest day of our lives.

I was mom material.

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